Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Oh Fudge. Oh Fudge-y, Fudge, Fudge.

The evenings are chilly again so I can enjoy a cup of tea without having to park myself right in front of the air conditioning vent.

It's a blessing, really.

I can open my bedroom window, cuddle under the covers because what's that I feel? a chill in the air?, and read Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King. (A phenomenal book which you must read the first chance you get! Just make sure it's not too dark outside when you read...). Which is actually where I am now. No, not outside in the dark. I'm just in my room, the curtains waltzing in the September breeze, admiring the sunset, and dreaming of fudge brownies.

Last week, I made fudge brownies.

After too many weeks of not even picking up a spatula or pouring vanilla extract in a sugar mixture, I leapt out of bed and power walked my way into the kitchen. I was itchin' bake.

But bake what?

Biscotti? No. It's too hot to be dipping anything in coffee.

Chocolate chip cookies? No, already have a blog post about it. (You see readers, I thought of you.)

Bagels? Eh. Nah.

I knew what I wanted to make.

Something rich and chewy and chocolate-y. And boy, oh boy, did I find it.

Fudge Brownies.

I'm talking the kind of fudge brownies you need a plate and a fork for. The ooey-gooey kind.

The kind that crunches when you take a bite of the edge of a corner piece. The kind with the flaky, smooth top.

These are those kind of brownies.

Cocoa powder and butter melt and mingle over a simmering pot of water. White and brown sugar specks find their way together.

In the end, everything comes together so beautifully it's like the ingredients have a special Sisterhood-of-the-Traveling-Pants friendship.

Cocoa powder and butter while on stove. The butter looks like marshmallows.

They will have you dreaming about 'em for days to come. I guarantee it. No money back.

And they're a blast to make! My sister and grandma even sat in the kitchen while I melted cocoa powder and butter together. My sister was a good audience member because she asks a lot of questions so I felt like I was a contestant on the Next Food Network Star. Except, I wasn't trying to make a gourmet dish using only salmon, picaya, Cornflakes, and pickled beets.

I digress...

These brownies really are wonderful. It's a rich sweet treat, perfect for get-togethers or parties because one pan makes a lot.

Fudge is great, fudge is awesome! Embrace the fudge life!

I didn't choose the fudge life. Fudge life chose me.

And can we please take a moment to squeal at the cute stationary I wrote my recipe on? The cute but hard-to-read stationary. Flowers are pretty and all, but it sure made me squint my eyes.

Itchin' to bake? But it sure made me? Why am I talking like Harvey Kinkle from Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Probably because I have been watching too much of it lately. (It's ok...a little magic never hurt anybody)

Oh but these are beauteous! Beauteous deserts! A delicacy even Merlin dreamed of!

Ok. Done with my weird descriptions.

SO. Many. Brownie. Pictures.

Recipe from Joy the Baker: 




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