Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Anecdotal Gingerbread Post

There are two types of winter days.

Snowflake Gingerbread
1) Outside, the sky is a cold blue, stenciled twig-like from the branches of tall trees. The curbs are painted a swirling mixture of frozen water and mud. And you, in your light wash denim jeans, hooded zipped jacket, and thermal socks, you swear you have frozen. That blood has stopped dancing through your body. That your hands are shaking and your palm has tinted purple-pink and your fingers are cracking and oh my god my palm is now blotched  purple, does this affect my lifeline?

2) Outside, the sky is a cold blue, stenciled twig-like from the branches of tall trees. Hey, you think, Aunt Sally would really love a stenciled tree ornament. You remind yourself to print out a 40% off coupon from Google before you hit up Michael's. The curbs are painted a swirling mixture of frozen water and mud so gorgeous that you wonder if Picasso works posthumous magic on suburban driveway curbs. Your right hand is wound around a mug- steaming earl grey wafts to your red nose. In your left hand, you hold what December gods consider holy.
You hold happiness; beauty; the 8th Wonder of the World.
A gingerbread cookie.

You didn't think I'd let winter float by without blogging about gingerbread cookies, did you?

Actually, in all honesty, I don't really have many holiday memories that involve good old fashioned gingerbread cookies. Sure I've had the occasional one or two at elementary school class parties but I'd always been more in awe of gingerbread houses rather than the actual gingerbread men. And it's nothing against the little cookie. Nothing at all. No trace of gingerbread cookie hater in my soul. (That story about the little gingerbread boy who runs off used to be one of my favorite books! Those were some pretty illustrations.)

I do have one memory that I can clearly remember. About eight Christmases ago, my sisters and I went to go see Christmas with the Cranks. That feel good holiday movie with Jaimie Lee Curtis. And I remember running through the cold blacktop parking lot and swinging the door of the movie theatre open. I was blinded by holiday lights and shiny ornaments and glossy movie posters. We bought our tickets and made our way to the theater. The floor was littered with yellow popcorn, chewed soda straws, and crumpled candy bags. How festive, I thought, They decorated for the holidays. 

As I jumped onto my seat and assured my older sister that No, I do not need a booster seat. I can see the screen perfectly if I tilt my head up and elongate my spine. And yes, it's fine that a 6 foot 7 man just sat down in seat in front of mine. And yes, I can still see. Granted it's just the fuzzy corners of the screen and half of the exit sign- 

"Oh, I almost forgot. Merry Christmas." My sister interrupted me and reached into her purse and pulled out a bag of gingerbread cookies. 


That was my gingerbread cookie memory. (Is it cheating if the cookies were store bought?) I figured a gingerbread post sort of needs a memory to go with it. Blogging school isn't a thing but if it was, I'm sure a banner that says GINGERBREAD POSTS AND ANECDOTES ARE CLOSE (FRIENDS) would hang around campus.

Ok, now let's talk about this cookie.

This gingerbread cookie is beautiful and aromatic. The middle is light and chewy and the edges are toasted and crisp. The making of the dough is simple and therapeutic. Nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, ginger. Mmmmm. It chills in the fridge before it's rolled out like a red carpet. (Cheesy? Maybe. But seriously. Golden Globe worthy dough.) A dark rich brown, thanks to the molasses, is the base for the cookie cutters. Note: You can use any cookie cutter, not just gingerbread man. I used a snowflake (pictured) and a Christmas tree (not pictured).

The ratio of spicy to sweet is well-balanced, so it will be a sure hit amongst friends who don't necessarily like the heavy-spice-riddled traditional ginger cookies.

These make perfect holiday treats. Wrap 'em up and give them to friends or plate them and leave them by the fireplace. Santa will appreciate it. :)

Gingerbread Cookie Recipe  (From Joy of Baking)


Notes: Didn't fridge the cut out dough and the cookies still turned out fine. However, I did refrigerate the actual dough before I rolled it out. That is a must.

Happy baking and Happy Holidays! :)

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