Thursday, February 7, 2013

Apple Cinnamon Bundt Cake

Do you remember those Girl Scout cookies?

The apple cinnamon ones that got discontinued in 2000?

Came in a box of a bunch of smiling little girls?

You don't?


Wait, what- You've never had one?!


I think the only plausible thing left to do is for you to go on and see if you can order a shipment from somewhere...or you can bake this cake.

I suggest baking this cake... :)  

I know, I know. How'd I get to cake from Girl Scout cookies?

Well, it's quite simple.

See, my dad celebrated his birthday last week, and my mom told me to bake a cake.

This is how that conversation happened:

Mom (walking into my room): You're baking a cake for dad's birthday, right?

Me (getting up from a nap, face bewildered, hair a mess): ....I guess I am now....

Mom: Yeah.

It was a really meaningful conversation. Glad I got to share it with y'all.

Anyhoo, my dad likes baked goods with fruits and veggies, so I was torn between what to make.

Carrot cake? Pumpkin cake?? Blueberry cake?

And that's when the most perfect idea hit me. (Cue the hallelujah chorus!)

An Apple Cinnamon bundt cake! (...yes...a perfect fall the middle of winter...)

My sister was a Girl Scout (for 13 years, by the way, and I honestly have no idea how she did it...My mom tried to get me to join Girl Scouts but I was much too antisocial for that), and in the early years they had an apple cinnamon cookie my dad loved.

Which is why I decided to make an apple cinnamon bundt cake. (That and because I was desperately missing the warmth of SoCal autumn. SoCal winter was bitter this year...It was bitter...)

Let's get started!

Here are the shining stars in this production: The Amazing Apples!!

The dry ingredients that smell wonderful. Shout out to the Cinnamon!

 Brown sugar being all brown sugar. From a *cool camera angle. (*bad)

 Dry ingredients get whisked into the wet mixture.

 Mixing, mixing, mixing. Smells all autumn-like at this point.

Carefully fold in the diced apples. Like a boss. Or like a manager. Whatever floats your boat.

How excited does that bundt pan look? I'd say pretty excited.

And the batter has found its home.  In the oven it goes!

Um, I think it's time for a cute picture. That's my dog. And his blanket. What can I say, guess he's attached...

The finished product! 

Recipe (adapted from (link below) 

  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 tbspn cinnamon
  • 2 tspn baking powder
  • 1 tspn salt
  • 1/2 tspn baking soda
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar (my brown sugar actually ran out while I was making this, so I did 1/2 cup brown, and a  1/2 cup white, didn't want to use 1 cup white)
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 med. apples, diced
      What to Do:

  1. Preheat oven to 350. Spray bundt pan w/ non stick baking spray. Set aside.
  2. In a bowl, whisk flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, & baking soda
  3. In a separate bowl, melt butter in microwave. Add brown sugar & eggs. Whisk till smooth.
  4. Gradually whisk dry ingredients into egg mixture. Be careful not to overmix.
  5.  Fold in apples.
  6. Bake for 50-60 min.
  7. Cool 15 min in pan. Flip to rack to cool completely.
  8. Enjoy!! :)
Let me know how this goes for you if you try it out. Also, feel free to let me know what you want recipes for, comment below!

HEADS UP: Valentine's Day treats post coming this weekend!!!! :) Stay tuned!!!

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