Friday, April 5, 2013

Cinnamon Roll Sorry

Dear bloggity-blog-bloggity,

Sorry I haven't been around lately.

No, that's not it.....

It's not you, it's me...?

That's even worse. Cliche and all...


It's been a little over a month since I last posted, and I know my blog's not crazy popular right now but I still can't bear the thought that somebody might have checked in and saw it was empty. Week. After. Week.

Ok so maybe it was myself doing the checking in, but still.

I'm sorry. Sorrier than a spider near an arachnophobic.

I know I'm weird. (I thought we already went over that in the first post...?)

Anyway, sum up my prolonged absence in 2 words: The Future.

Yes, the future is looming quite quite near and as a fresh rosebud (or a high school senior, if you prefer. I like fresh rosebud. Makes me feel like I have an excuse to buy expensive rose perfume when I don't actually have money) I'll be sprouting up before I know it.

Translation: Imma graduate and den Imma be an adult.

Yes. Gangster talk was required.

But with hard decisions winding down and everything settling into its place, I have time to bake and blog and bake and blog and bake and blog till I'm whisking flour while I'm sleeping.

So, how sorry am I?

Cinnamon Roll Sorry.

These are perfect. There's cream cheese gently folded into the dough, so it's soft and pillowy and cinnamon-y and just darn good.

I made these a few weeks ago. Came home from school one Friday and lost myself in the cinnamon roll making process. It's quite a long process....Thanks dough for taking a long time to rise...thanks...

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't love every second of those hours.

Here's the thing. Baking cinnamon rolls might be daunting, but do it. Trust me. Three years ago, it was the first big thing I ever baked and now they're my favorite thing to bake.

Play your favorite CD (Ed Sheeran all the way). Spoon your flour like it's gold.

And then, when the dough is rising or baking or whenever it's stall time, go in your backyard or front yard or sidewalk, barefoot, and watch the sun set.

And come back, savor a cinnamon roll, drink a cup of tea, appreciate the quiet moments.

Clear head and happiness guaranteed. :) <3

Comment below on what's your favorite quiet time activity and try these cinnamon rolls out.

Recipe from

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