Saturday, June 8, 2013

Let's Talk Sandwiches


Everybody's got a relationship with them.

Everybody's got an occasion for them.

On the first day of kindergarten: creamy peanut butter and strawberry jelly on squishy toast in a Snow White lunch box. (Or Cinderella. Depending on your Disney princess preference.)

At "fancy tea parties" (AKA decorating the dining table and forcing your parents to join you) : cucumbers and cream cheese on cold toast.

At urban cafes: a melty panini.

Whatever the reason, sandwiches are always a good answer.

They're cheap and (dare I say) fun to make.

I know. Pushing the women's movement back a couple of years...

I don't mean to brag, but I can make a darn good sandwich.

Just ask my sister. I always send her pics of my latest pairings. If I instagrammed all of them, well...that'd just be too much.

So I keep my sandwich standards pretty high (but don't think I'm like conceited or anything) and don't really buy cold sandwiches if I'm out and about, living la vida loca.

What I'm saying is: ordering a bad sandwich just plain sucks.

This is what happened:

There I was in an adorable outfit (the shirt courtesy of my sister's closet, the skirt a hand-me-down) holding my bag in the trendy uber-cool cafe of an even trendier uber-cooler museum. My spine needed a good cracking, my feet were numb, and my stomach was desperate.

I scanned the menu posters, mentally crossing off all the items.

"We can go somewhere else." My mom shrugged and pushed her hair back.

"No, it's fine." As far as we knew it, there were no other eateries near us. Actually, there probably was, but like I said: deliriously tired and hungry.

I twisted my lips and found it! The turkey panini! I love a good panini, and since I don't have a panini maker (definitely on my shopping list for when I have a cool studio apartment), I totes-magotes love when I go places that serve them.

The menu said: hot panini: smoked turkey, swiss cheese, garlic something (I can't remember the full name), lettuce, tomato, applewood smoked bacon, and avocado on sourdough.

Avocado. Not gonna lie, they had me at avocado. I ordered without the bacon and with roasted veggies as my side and promptly fell into a seat, my hair spilling over the table. My mom came back from the cash register.

Yawning, I scanned the receipt.

$12 for my panini.

Twelve. Dollars.

"Oh my God!" I blurted out. "That is way too overpriced." I mean, I knew it was going to be expensive, as most museum subunits are, but I didn't think it was going to be that expensive.

So, of course, I expected the panini to be perfect. To be made for Mount Olympus.

Imagine my shock when the waiter placed a cold plate in front of me.

Three layers of soggy white toast (white toast is honestly something I'll never understand). My immediate reaction was: Ugh.

I know, I know, I hate it when people complain, but I was just annoyed.

It wasn't a panini. Just a cold, soggy sandwich with grill marks on it. And that extra piece of toast just frustrated me.

ANYWAY: This post is supposed to be celebrating sandwiches, not degrading them....

What I'm getting at is: The best sandwiches are the homemade kind.

Recently, I was invited to the world of whole wheat sourdough bread. Cool, right?

And lemme tell ya kids, I'm in love. #ByeNormalToast

No, honestly, even my family loves it. Ask them.

A beautiful homemade sandwich, nothing can go wrong.

Pair anything and everything. Sometimes I use mustard. Sometimes I use hummus.

And if you're asking me, sandwiches should be considered fancy food because you can come up with some seriously fancy combinations!

There's so many things you could do!

Pesto, swiss, bell peppers, tomatoes, BBQ sauce, etc. etc. etc.

Here are some pics from a sandwich I made and had to share with the world.

Turkey on whole wheat sourdough, spinach, cheddar, avocado, and hummus.


OMG. Hi Spinach, you beautiful green leaf, you.

God Bless Avocados. That is all.

Luckily for me, my dad gets TONS of avocados when he goes grocery shopping!

Does this look great or what? (Seriously considering opening a sandwich shop)

Nom nom. (That was my first time saying Nom Nom.)

Hello beautiful sandwich that was too big for me to finish! Hello!

Looking like a stud.

"This is falling in love in the cruelest way"-T Swift

This was actually my first time eating hummus. And I'm Persian. #GoodJob


Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! And I'd LOVE to hear all about your favorite sandwiches!!

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